Spotifree Automatically Mutes Spotify Ads…


Here’s another reason why more people aren’t converting to Spotify Premium: they’re already skipping the ads for free.  Enter Spotifree, an easy app add-on that simply mutes Spotify ads without you noticing.

This is actually an app that’s been floating around for years, and one of several ad-blocking solutions for Spotify that haven’t been dealt with.  In fact, Spotifree isn’t blocked at all by Spotify.

The secret sauce of this app is that most people aren’t actually looking at Spotify when they’re listening to Spotify, so they’ll hardly notice a 30-second or one minute period of silence.

Which is exactly the point, as you don’t know (or care) about the ads that you’re not listening to.

You’ll never even notice this plug for Jurassic World…



Nor will you hear this Coca-Cola Six Flags spot.  It’s like these ads were never even there, even though they were paid for.




Then, it’s back to the music, which is seamlessly un-muted after the blocked ads are finished.

Actually, the biggest hurdle to installing this is Apple itself, simply because Spotifree is not by an approved app developer.  But, if you decide it’s worth the risk, all you have to do is re-start Spotify and the muting begins.


The post Spotifree Automatically Mutes Spotify Ads… appeared first on Digital Music News.

Source: Industry News

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